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Street Racer Shut Down

We are all getting frustrated with the street racers and intersection takeovers, let’s be honest, it’s dangerous and illegal! Just last Saturday on January 26, residents and frustrated drivers reported a large group of street racers doing donuts and taking over the intersection at Park Ave S and 108th St S. When deputies arrived, cars and spectators were fleeing everywhere. Deputies spotted four male subjects jump into a vehicle and attempt to take off. Before they could take off, stop sticks were thrown in front of the tires. In an attempt to avoid the stop sticks, the vehicle backed into a citizen’s car before driving over the stop sticks. The suspect tires had been popped and it only made it a few blocks down the road before deputies attempted a second contact. Two 18-year-old males and two 15-year-old males were taken into custody. Cameras and video recorders were located in the vehicle. There was also evidence the suspects phones were used in filming the event. All phones and cameras were taken for evidence and the vehicle was impounded for a 72-hour hold. 

If this video did not explain it enough… for all the street racers out there… stay out of Pierce County. We will shut you down, arrest you, take your vehicle, take your phones and cameras and book you for an extended vacation in the Pierce County Jail. Awesome job deputies.