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Turn on Your Lights!

Elf Deputy Clark wants Sergeant Moss to share some more holiday tips and possibly help him decorate his office.

Watch to see Deputy Clark and Sgt. Moss’ holiday safety tips on Safe Driving.

Turn your lights on at dawn, dusk, during night time and when the weather conditions make visibility poor, like when its foggy, rainy or snowing!

Eliminate all distractions when driving.

Put phones away, or use voice commands, apple play or android auto. Have the co-pilot do all the music selection, and don’t try to eat, do your hair or put on makeup, its  not safe!

Wear your seatbelt!

An easy tip to keep you safe

Give Extra Distance

When its nasty out your car will not stop as fast or possibly at all if it is very slick, icy or snowy outside. So give extra space.

Slow Down

Most fatal accidents would not result in death if the speeds were much lower. Speed and impairment are the top factors in all of our fatal accidents.


No drugs, no alcohol nothing that could impair your driving and cause you to possibly kill yourself or someone else.