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Fraud, Scams, and How to Protect Yourself From Them

There are a lot of scammers out there and with technology they can target people without ever stepping into a room with them. Here are some tips on how to avoid being scammed.


Don’t rely on information or links from the scammer! They will create fake websites and accounts.

Do your own research and find a number for the business from trusted sources.

Setup Automated alerts on your accounts and check for irregular or unauthorized purchases

Slow Down! You have very few situations where you have to verify information or make payments over the phone immediately.

Law Enforcement will never ask you for money over the phone.

If someone is asking for payment in bitcoin, PayPal, or gift cards you should be suspicious. This is not normal for government and legit businesses.

Be aware of these scams

Missing Pet scam: Suspect will tell you to pay for emergency surgery for your missing animal or they will be euthanized. Ask what hospital and call that vet directly or go there in person. 

LE Scams: This is (Officer, Deputy, Sgt, Lt, Captain, Chief or Judge) _____ you have a warrant for_____ (Jury duty, child support, unpaid parking tickets etc.) if you don’t pay us immediately (over the phone), we will come arrest you. Don’t fall for this.