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First Responder Wellness Week


Today’s focus for First Responder Wellness Week is on the mental and emotional health resources PCSO provides for all personnel.  A popular part of the program is our Wellness Dog, Everest.  He brings comfort and support to the workplace during his Wellness rounds at all locations and events. Everest uplifts spirits and fosters connections by bringing a paws-itive vibe, one wag at a time.

We believe in the power of pets to improve mental health, and we’re proud to have this program as a resource for our team. The Wellness Dog Program not only helps reduce stress but also creates a sense of camaraderie and boosts overall well-being.

#SheriffsOffice #WellnessDog #MentalHealthMatters #StressRelief #CommunitySupport #FirstResponderWellness #SupportingOurTeam #K9Companion