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Deputies Use Life-Saving Measures During Stabbing Call and Water Rescue Call

Deputies recently responded to two separate calls that required life saving measures for two individuals. The first call came out on Friday, June 28th at 10:22pm when deputies responded to a stabbing at the University Glen Apartments where a juvenile suspect had stabbed his father. Deputies contacted and arrested the suspect who was still holding the knife. Deputies were then able to get to the victim and treat him for his severe injuries, more than likely, saving his life. The 16-year-old suspect was arrested and booked at Remann Hall for assault in the first degree.

The very next night on Saturday, June 29th at 10:23pm, there was a minor collision near the Local Boys store in Purdy. One of the driver’s appeared to be intoxicated and bystanders were trying to get him to stay at the scene, but he got into a scuffle with one of them and then did what no one else expected… he ran, took off his clothes, and jumped into the water. This started a Marine Service Unit and Dive call-out. The concern was not to arrest the suspect, but to make sure he didn’t die in the freezing water. Deputies saw him exit the water and when they tried to contact him, he jumped right back into the water. Deputies saw the man hanging onto a log in the water and they, along with Gig Harbor police officers, commandeered a boat and rescued the man from the water. After being rescued, the man was taken to the hospital. Now he has charges for hit and run, pending the prosecutor’s office.

Awesome job by all our deputies and the Gig Harbor police on these two rescues. Keep up the amazing work!