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Over the Weekend Report

We hope everyone had a safe weekend! It’s time to review a few calls for our Over the Weekend Report.

#1 Stolen Vehicle with Barricaded Female

Early in the morning on March 17th at 1:45am, our deputies located a stolen vehicle parked at the Jack in the Box off Pacific Ave. S and 151st St. Deputies observed a female suspect jump into the back seat. After giving several commands, the female refused to come out and barricaded herself behind the back seats for over 30 minutes. It was unknown if there were any weapons and the heavy tint on the windows did not allow any visibility. A 40 mm non-lethal bean bag shot gun was used to break the window for visibility. She still did not comply. A K9 was brought in, and several commands were given she would get bit if she didn’t come out. She still refused. The K9 made contact with the female suspect. The 26-year-old female was finally taken into custody and booked for possession of a stolen vehicle and several felony warrants for burglary and theft. That could be why she didn’t want to come out.

#2 Domestic Violence Vehicular Assault

On March 16th around 2:45pm, our deputies responded to a call from a female stating she had been assaulted and ran over by her husband. The male half fled in his vehicle and deputies were able to locate him leaving the scene. They conducted a felony traffic stop and took the 50-year-old male half into custody. He was booked into the Pierce County Jail for vehicular assault.

#3 Serious Injury DUI Collision

This last call is another DUI that occurred at the 35200 block of the Eatonville Cutoff Road on March 15th around 10:15pm. The deputy immediately recognized the driver and passenger were intoxicated. The passenger ended up getting arrested for obstruction for interfering with the deputy attempting to conduct the field sobriety test with the driver. The 32-year-old driver was arrested for vehicular assault and DUI. The 62-year-old male victim was transported to a local hospital with serious injuries.

You may have noticed we’ve highlighted several serious DUI collisions in the recent posts. We are determined to keep our streets safe, and Sheriff Keith Swank is stepping up our traffic and DUI emphasis. Please enjoy your weekends with a safe ride home.