Greetings from Canada!

I frequently brag about the natural beauty in Pierce County!  From our islands in the Sound to Mount Rainier, it can hardly get better.  But, occasionally I like to get even more remote – and sometimes that leads me north to Canada.

There are times when you need to get away from work to really get the chance to re-connect and have fun with family and friends.  To have those experiences and build memories.  So, this year I am taking my vacation with family, then friends, then more time with family up around Desolation Sound off of Vancouver Island.

My vacation started off with a long weekend with my immediate family – of course, that included Blair and Lucy.  We spent plenty of time playing in a pool and going for little boat rides.

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Word of caution:  A 2-1/2 year old can also reach the boat throttle when she is steering on your lap!

Then, we linked up with some local friends and continued our annual tradition of spending summertime together.  Plenty of stories, laughs, food and beverages for the next week!

Finally, I am looking forward to the last several days with my sister and brother-in-law, out from Vermont!

I hope you take time this summer to spend time and make some good memories with your friends and family.

What are your favorite places to go?  Do you like to get off the beaten path?

FYI – I was without cell coverage for two days.  It was pretty strange to realize just how dependent I have become on my cell phone and connecting to the Internet!

Thanks for reading!



