Night stars

Night stars

One of my favorite events of the year took place this week. I love going to the Employee Recognition Reception each year.  It’s great fun to co-host with Chair Doug Richardson and Maura Maye – both of whom are quick-witted and have a great sense of humor! But, my favorite part of the night is recognizing the people and teams that really exemplify our values and culture at Pierce County. This year’s honorees are no exception. I know that I previously blogged about the award recipients, but the videos shared at the reception were so powerful that I knew you would want to see them, too. So, for those of you who weren’t able to join us at the reception, here are the videos with five great reasons to be…
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Eye in the sky

Eye in the sky

  Our Sheriff’s department has an amazing set of “tools” to help keep us safe – and help us when we need it most. In a previous blog I introduced you to their swiftwater team and Councilmember Dave Morell did a great profile of the marine services patrol unit:   [embedyt][/embedyt]   [embedyt][/embedyt]   I recently had the great opportunity to take a flight on a beautiful sunny day with Deputies Robert Malloy and Emily Holznagel of the Sheriff’s aviation team to learn more about what they do from their perch in the sky. Come take a ride via this video: [embedyt][/embedyt] Here are a few other interesting facts about our aviation team: They have two Cessna 206 aircraft, which are very cost-effective and allow a long…
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This ability!

This ability!

The month of October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month.  You may not have heard of that recognition before, but it has been celebrated for 70 years! defines the word "ability" as: “competence in an activity or occupation because of one's skill, training, or other qualification.”  You’ll notice there was no mention made of one’s physical mobility or sensory capability. As you are likely aware, we have made Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) a priority at Pierce County.  This week’s blog focuses on the inclusive part of that initiative. Being an inclusive employer means people get to belong and contribute – regardless of physical capability or perceived limitation. Having a more inclusive work environment gives us the opportunity to benefit from the contributions of all of us. Having said that,…
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Welcome – home!

Welcome – home!

Those of you who have seen me “out and about” in our County know that I strongly believe that some things can only really be appreciated by seeing them firsthand.  Whether it's a needed repair at a ferry dock, a sewer wet well, or Baby Court, just reading about something does not give you the complete picture.  Seeing with your own eyes is essential to gaining a full understanding! That is why when the Seattle Chamber of Commerce announced their annual “in-state study mission” trip was planned for Pierce County, I was excited to help host.  The Chamber selects a different community each year for a study trip to learn best practices and strengthen its regional ties. For two days last week, Seattle and King County leaders, mostly from their business…
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