Found the Fountain of Youth

JUAN PONCE DE LEON (1460-1521). Spanish explorer and colonial administrator in America. Ponce de Leon and his men searching for the Fountain of Youth. Wood engraving, 19th century.

OK, so I didn’t find an actual fountain, like the explorer Ponce De Leon (some researchers believe he never even actually searched for the Fountain of Youth), but I do know one way to help keep me young. Henry Ford once said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young,” and I have found that to be true in my personal and work life.

I make it a priority to encourage our colleagues to learn professionally and personally as well. Just this week, I welcomed employees to two “Government to Government: Tribal Relations” classes and celebrated with the most recent graduates of our leadership certification programs! And today, I am heading to Everett to learn more about our ferry, the Steilacoom II, which is in drydock for maintenance.

Today, I want to highlight an amazing resource that every County employee has access to – LinkedIn Learning. LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform that offers over 5,000 courses. These courses can help you further your career goals or personal aspirations. I am sure there are several classes that will pique your interest. LinkedIn Learning also has a range of courses that can help us build a more diverse and inclusive workplace – and community. These courses cover topics such as expanding cultural competence, having difficult conversations, and inclusive leadership. Check out this video!

You can view all of the courses Raul mentions and more by clicking on your Learning app in Workday.

Earlier this week, many of you participated in Bring Your Child to Work Day. I am thankful that some of your children got to learn about the amazing work you do. It also is a great reminder that our work directly affects their future! And hopefully some of these children will become our future technicians, attorneys, deputies, and case managers! Judging by the questions they asked me, they might.

Bring Your Child to Work Day Visit

As I wrap up this week’s blog, I hope you will join me in wearing red on Friday, May 5. By wearing red on May 5, the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People (MMIW/P), you can honor and remember these women and help raise awareness of this issue in our community, as the red dress is a powerful and dignified symbol of Native women. 

Learn more about MMIW at

Thank you for reading,
