For this summer’s vacation I am traveling internationally with family and friends – but not too far from home! We will be visiting the Canadian Gulf Islands – just across the border from the San Juans!
I love to plan these trips – often setting out the plan in early January and completing all the details that go into it before April. Sometimes, I think planning and anticipation is half the fun!
We spent part of the time with my granddaughters and a good friend with his granddaughters. These six little girls are nearly the same ages and have so much fun together. Our time with them included a “Disney Princess” dress up party with a cruise around the Marina – where many boaters showed their appreciation for the young royalty!
We also celebrated my youngest granddaughter’s 3rd birthday complete with a Bluey theme!
I hope you are getting some vacation time this summer (or maybe planning for another one?), making some memories and getting a break from your work at the County.
When I take time off, I get the chance to spend some quality time with Lauren and friends and family. And invariably, I come back to the office refreshed and renewed. Believe it or not, after some time away, I am even more eager to take on the challenges facing our community.
The health benefits of time away from work are many and well-documented. Check out this link to learn more about how vacation time strengthens your heart and improves your overall wellness.
Another thing that boosts your wellness is receiving recognition for a job well done. More than 100 colleagues were nominated for a Standing Ovation Award this year and you can check out the full list here! Congratulations to everyone who was nominated by their peers for serving the people of Pierce County!
See you later,
