For nearly 40 episodes, I’ve been taking Pierce County residents behind the scenes to see you and the amazing work you do to serve them. Featuring you has been one of the most fun and rewarding things about my work as Executive.
The finished videos are always incredible! There is so much that goes on behind the scenes to make each episode engaging and informative. Coming up with the concept for each episode, the technical work with multiple cameras, creating the sound track, editing the footage from hours down to four minutes, all require tremendous creativity and expertise. And the completed products not only get accolades from our colleagues and residents, but also win local and national awards – including two Emmys!
So, with my last Inside Pierce County episode, I wanted to take you from in front of the camera to behind it as you learn how we put the videos together. Enjoy!
My deepest thanks to Megan Hutton, Dave Kellman, Jeremy Acree, Ben Ramsey, Peter Gudmunson and Riley Endicott for creating such incredible videos. They go to great lengths to “get the shot” and I have appreciated it!
I hope you will join me for one last Town Hall on December 11 at noon. It’s my chance to say thanks for 8 amazing years serving as Executive. You can submit your anonymous questions here.
Thanks for reading,
