Nearly 420 blogs later, it’s time to put down the pen and end my weekly messages to you.
My goal in writing every week was to give you some context for what was happening in our world, provide a window into my work, and mostly to highlight the work of your colleagues. Despite all the work that went into the weekly blogs, based on the feedback I have received by you and your co-workers, it has been well worth the effort!
Every year we produce a Year in Review video to take a look back at the major accomplishments of the last 12 months. I always marvel at how much has been done during that time to serve our residents and the challenge of shooting what makes it into the annual video and what doesn’t due to time constraints. To wrap up my two terms, we created a video that recaps 8 years. As you can imagine, this was 8x the challenge of determining what is included and what ended up on the cutting room floor. Please take a look and let me know what you think. I hope you will take pride and a sense of satisfaction as you recall what we achieved together. I know I do.
My thanks to everyone who helped produce the blog– Libby Catalinich and Kyle Schmidtke in the Communications department, as well as Lillian Scott and guest bloggers from the Executive team and beyond.
It’s been the honor of my lifetime to serve with you as the County Executive – including connecting weekly via this blog!
As always, thanks for reading,
