A taxing job!
Did you know that in Pierce County we have 330,000 properties on our tax rolls that generate about $1.4 billion each year? And, were you aware that the Assessor-Treasurer’s (ATR) office collects taxes on behalf of 75 taxing districts in the County? I recently had the chance to learn all about how the ATR team of appraisers determines the value of any given property. My tour was especially timely as the updated property value statements were recently sent out to property owners. Come ride along as Skylar Wicklander teaches me the art and science of appraising! https://youtu.be/-33RwAX_C-s My thanks to Mike Lonergan, our Assessor-Treasurer, and Skylar, for their willingness to take us behind the scenes as they ensure the taxed properties in Pierce County are accurately appraised and assessed. Have…